Bodensee Python User Group
We are actively looking for new members, speakers, hosts to grow across different parts of Bodensee Region.
Our next meetup is in Ristorante Pizzeria Piazza, Wangen im Allgäu on 2024-12-10 18:00:00. Drop us an email at pybodensee at gmail dot com if you plan to join or get in touch.

Here is the list of upcoming meetups organized by PyBodensee.
Blog Posts
Here is the list of recently published posts by PyBodensee.

How to Choose a Python Package for Your Next Project?
Doing requirement analysis before choosing a Python Package for Your Next Project is necessary and can save you a huge hassle afterward.

How to Start Programming With Python
If you are starting with Python Programming Language, then the following are some of the tips that can help you to become fluent in Python.

Collaborative Python Learning
Another aspect of learning and improving your Python code quality is to use a collaborative approach. Following are some of the techniques to improve your code.